What we do


    With our reliable high speed satellite technology, we can provide a connection in areas traditional copper lines cannot reach, even when no mains power is available. With a host of packages and configurations to choose from, we can help you find the right solution for your needs. You can be up and running in no time at all, and our real time monitoring allows us to notify you should your system go down.


    Where copper lines are available, we can provide very competitively priced DSL broadband packages. With a large selection of configuration options to choose from, we can tailor a package to suit your needs; from home or office use, to simple monitoring solutions. As with all our comm offerings, we can provide real time monitoring to ensure the stability of the connection.


    In cases where it would be impractical to have a satellite system, but no copper is available, we can provide a connection using a data sim with a fixed IP if network access is available. Coupled with our high spec 4G routers, we can provide a reliable connection without the need for copper wires or external dishes. As with DSL and Satellite, these connections can be monitored.


    Occasionally a site office is only required for the duration of a project, and in these cases a satellite connection provides a reliable and cost effective alternative to having a temporary copper line installed. You can be up and running quickly, with full high speed internet access and our SIP telephones providing phone services via a standard landline number. With a host of packages to choose from, we can tailor this to suit your requirements, and ensure your site has a connection where it’s needed.


    With our dedicated telemetry, we can help you link your network over surprisingly long distances – even using multiple hops to allow connections over adverse terrain. Advancements in technology mean our specialist equipment can create secure and stable wireless links, allowing you to reach all parts of your network from any location.


    Over large distances, fibre networking has become the preferred method of creating fast, reliable, and low maintenance network links. From installing and terminating the fibre, installing the relevant routing equipment, to designing the network layout, we can help.


    If you have many people sharing an internet connection at the same time, we would recommend one of our managed WiFi solutions. These typically allow usage monitoring (in real time if required), device bandwidth caps, and even individual user management if needed. Our systems utilise the latest technology to ensure a robust and uninterrupted connection for your users, while giving you the control you want.


    In a lot of cases, if satellite broadband or wireless telemetry is required, it’s unlikely that a landline is available. In these cases we can provide you with SIP based telephony. You still have a normal telephone number, but all calls are routed via the network and broadband connection. We can offer very competitive packages, as well as a configurable service, anywhere you have a net connection.


    You can’t be everywhere at once, but with our HD camera systems you can see everything at once. These can either be used to monitor feeds in real-time, or setup to record discretely and alert you when specific events take place. They can also be used to monitor remote systems, such as pipeline intakes, without the need to travel for miles over unforgiving terrain and in inclement weather conditions.